"The literary equivalent of an acid trip." -jedi_raptor07

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

On the subject...

I will now attempt to makek a MadLib right before your eyes! Using a code for a mad lib I wrote quite a while ago, I shall now try and copy and paste it into the blog's code without screwing it up completely. Wish me luck! And...it looks like it worked! At the bottom of the page, look for a button labled "Mad Lib" and click it. Yeah...that's about all.


Comments Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to 'How to Be a Villain'! Here, we will discuss how stupid stupidness can become virtuous villains without having those crazy echidnas defeating you 1.618 throughout your career! The 4th thing you need to do as a villain is to think up a exciting blahness. For example, poking the dictionary is a very exhilirating villainous activity. It requires a lot of sporks, and, of course, lots and lots of lightsaber. When you have thought of what you want to do, you then must stab your deadly minions, or your wires. Whether they be eccentric llama or vicious long, you just can't go wrong in this area. After you have chosen your plan and wires, you then must choose your extended base. Currently, nuclear waste dumps are very toxic and have been the base of choice for many virtuous villains. Once you have chosen your exciting blahness, your deadly minions, and your extended base, you simply can't tickle those crazy echidnas.

7:20 PM, March 08, 2006

Comments Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol that is cool. meybe i will post mine later.

12:46 PM, March 10, 2006

Comments Blogger Unknown said...

I am really sad, I did it and then Xed out by accident. I am going to retake it at home. Let's just say it involved swankified ballrooms, spelndid musicals, soggy duck, and silly llamas.

2:05 PM, March 10, 2006


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