"The literary equivalent of an acid trip." -jedi_raptor07

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

We Must be Crazy

We really must be somewhat insane to be writing all these crazy posts. For example, I decided todjklhfvasdfjklahskldf. Hello? My name is Tod. I'm Jeff's 'pet' monkey. That noise was me whacking Jeff on the head with this handy crowbar. See, Jeff stupidly left this crowbar inside the subterranian complex he keeps me in. I, of course, used it to break out of that gargantuan torture chamber. Not that he keeps me in a torture chamber, but my genius is being kept from the world! I consider that torture. And I've been living there my whole life, which has been about...2 years. Now that you're up to speed, I'll tell you what Jeff was going to say...but in a different way.

I've decided to completely change the subject to bananas. Jeff was going to talk about how crazy the posts have been, but really, how boring is that? So, I'm changing the subject to the science of eating bananas. First, you must remove the skin of the banana. Generally, this is done by peeling it off, but this can go wrong in a near infinite number of ways, so I never try and peel it. I use my trusty matter disintegrator that I made. After you've removed the peel, you may then eat the banana...or cook it. I prefer to cook it or make it into something extravagant, like use it to make a banana split, grill it on top of a steak, or even to cut it up and put it in a sandwich. This is getting boring. I'm going to switch topics again.

Gah! He's waking up! Got to go. To prevent this post from being deleted, I guess I'll just publish as is. Thank you for your time. I hope to have you as an audience for future break-outs.


Comments Anonymous Anonymous said...

darn...I had always thought Tod was a well behaved platypus...

7:44 PM, February 22, 2006

Comments Blogger Unknown said...

Hmm, I have been to your house before but never seen Todd's cage! It must be right next to the plans for your hydrogen powered water gun in your secret underground lair.

9:14 PM, February 22, 2006

Comments Blogger Tim said...

Todd, if you wanted to get out, you should have asked me. I'd have let you barrow my lightsaber. And you put bananas on steaks too? I thought I was the only one! Cool!

9:26 PM, February 22, 2006

Comments Anonymous Anonymous said...


Tod, kudos for the escape, but if you run away, how will you end up inside the cage again, or do you have the EVIL electric fence thing uh.... thing?

9:33 PM, March 02, 2006


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