"The literary equivalent of an acid trip." -jedi_raptor07

Friday, June 02, 2006

Sir Elton Hercules John

I don't want to ramble on about him, but his name rocks. He rocks too, but that's his job, and also beside the point. The point is, "It comes in pints?! I'm getting one!"

But on a slightly more serious note, there will be yet another contest to boost support of our blog. No codes this time, you will be happy to know. No, no, lovely readers -- this time it's a scavenger hunt!

Rules are as follows:
1) There is a list of random facts, etc. to hunt for
2) So hunt for them
3) The two people to e-mail one of us with the most correct answers (in order, please) within the next week get the usual prize -- a combined post on our blog.

And without further ado, the scavenger hunt list:
Well, maybe just a little bit of ado...
Now the list!

1) What is Billy Joel's middle name?
2) Why do small birds bombard birds of prey?
3) In the equation "e=mc^2", what do each of the variables stand for?
4) Give the address of a website where I could buy a taxidermied ferret.
5) What does a real estate novelist do?
6) What year was prepackaged jello first sold?
7) List three materials that wood glue can hold together (besides wood)
8) Describe one escape attempt by a prisoner from Alcatraz.
9) What is the nationality of Harry Houdini?
10) Does a duck's quack echo?

Bonus! What parts did Jeff and I get in Guys and Dolls?

Crack those encyclopedias!


Comments Anonymous Anonymous said...

im too lazy to answer those questions! :) hahha maybe later...

3:56 PM, June 02, 2006

Comments Anonymous Anonymous said...

i second what monica said.

10:23 PM, June 02, 2006

Comments Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Who knows.
2. Who cares
3. Energy = Mass x Speed of Light squared
4. What's that?
5. Writes books on buying Houses
6. In Olden Times
7. Metal, Paper, Plastic
8. Chisled a hole in the wall of their cell, made a raft out of raincoats, and sailed away.
9. Somewhere over the Rainbow...
10. Yes (Yay Mythbusters!)

11:40 AM, June 03, 2006

Comments Blogger Ali said...

i third what monica said.

hey, why is it that the jeffs always get the same part? is it cuz theyr'e of similar hight, both with glasses and brown hair...or is there some more sinister plot behind it?
**lighting and thunder**
*evil laugh*
wow that was fun.

9:40 AM, June 04, 2006

Comments Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha, yay for Merry and Pippin quotes. ^_^

11:12 AM, June 04, 2006

Comments Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahem. Jeff and I have only gotten the same part once.

9:34 PM, June 04, 2006


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