I always wondered why they have different fonts. I mean, most of them are fairly similar and easy to read. Perhaps it's because of school projects. Yup.
Oh! I've got it! It's to represent different handwriting styles! For instance, this could be mine...and this could be Maeve's! At least, it would be...but she's not here, so I can't run it by her.
Time to start the random story!
Tanya was a Russian staying in Lithuania. She had managed to get help and flee the country from...them. She hid in a suitcase quietly for six days as the people she was traveling with and eventually found herself in a very real danger - the metal detector. When the suitcase went through, it went "BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP!" The cops began to search the suitcase. Many times, they almost caught her...but they never looked inside the box inside the suitcase!
Continuing on from the checkpoint, her company continued on Southward until they reached Lithuania. They had no further incidents while getting there. The men and women who helped her found an apartment and left the suitcase there, without unpacking, leaving for the supermarket. Hours passed, and Tanya began to get worried. Worry was not quite the right emotion, though, as soon after a missile hit the apartment and flung the suitcase out the window, scattering the contents onto the street!
Tanya didn't have to wait long, though. She was picked up as some civilians were fleeing the city. Carrying with them they had several cans of beans. "Oh, great," she thought, "I hate beans."
The civilians finally stopped running and started a fire. Cooking the beans, they opened the suitcase...and found Tanya. "Hey, guys, I found another spoon!"
Yes, that's right, Tanya was a spoon. Why do you think she was so scared of the metal detector?
Got a problem with that?
No? I didn't think so.
Yes? Well, you're crazy, then.
Maybe? Flappin' flollogers, flying flugles float flawlessly!
(No, I don't even know what that means.)
That was pretty annoying.
7:27 PM, January 18, 2007
7:27 PM, January 18, 2007
2:54 PM, January 19, 2007
9:51 PM, January 19, 2007
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7:58 PM, January 22, 2007
Damn, It came out wrong
8:00 PM, January 22, 2007
In other news, 100 Iraqis and 25 Americans were killed today.
9:33 PM, January 22, 2007
So, out of the 300 million Americans in the world, only 25 died?
3:41 PM, January 27, 2007