"The literary equivalent of an acid trip." -jedi_raptor07

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Red or Blue?

The "Whack" story will be continued later, as I ran out of ideas and asked Maeve to continue it...so whenever she does, that's when it'll continue. In the meantime, to give you guys some meat, I have another story.

Lasers zipped around like a fancy, but deadly, light show! Flashes of green, red, blue, yellow, purple, and even black filled the room! My gun ran out of energy, however, and I was forced to use my time crystal to freeze everyone. I quickly realized that I would have to escape instead of stealing someone else's weapon. Looking around, I found a window and quickly jumped out it. Unfortunately for me, I had forgotten I was on the top story of a mile-high deserted office building. I fell rather quickly, I found. The ground ever approaching, I tried to get ahold of my time crystal to warp to somewhere less...dangerous. It fell out of my hands, however, and I continued falling to the desert ground. Knowing I would die, I saw my life flash before my eyes:

"Bruce! Get over here, mate, and eat your suppa!"
"Give me a second! I'm on the last level!"

It was then I realized an important fact: All my life, I thought my name was Ben. This realization must have triggered something...a fail-safe, perhaps, for at that moment everything went dark. I could hear voices...

"Is he going to make it?"
"No, he's already dead."

Dead? I couldn't be dead! I was hearing this! I quickly rose from the ground I and yelled "I'M NOT DEAD!" Two men, presumably the two who had spoken before, turned from another person on the ground. They both wore red suits and pink sunglasses. There was one distinct feature, however, that set them apart from most humans. They had tails.

One of them walked towards me, obviously puzzled. "Why would you say that? I mean, that is your body we're hovering over, isn't it?"

Shocked, I pushed him out of the way to see what he was talking about. Sure enough, I saw myself. I didn't look so good, actually. In fact, if I wasn't standing there looking at myself, I might have actually believed I was dead! I casually turned towards the two men. "I obviously can't be dead as I am standing here."

There was a pause as both men looked at each other. Then they both burst into a mad cackle, clutching their stomachs with glee. The one who hadn't spoken before regained his composure, although there was a clear struggle within himself not to fall onto the ground laughing, as the other man was now doing. "We're Reds. Only the spirits of people who were whacked can see us." Once he spat it out, he immediatly burst into another fit of mad cackling.

As I tried to sort this out in my mind, I realized something! "I wasn't killed," I yelled, "I accidentaly committed suicide!"

The two men gasped, a horrid intake of breath. "But...that means..."

A flash of light blinded all three of us temporarily. When we regained our eyesight, everything was shining. My sight was drawn to man dressed in blue. "That's right," he said in a booming voice that struck fear in the hearts of the Reds. "He's a purple."


Comments Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok, i have to say this. no one would be that stupid to jump out the window. btw, accidentaly committed suicide sounds kinda weird. oh, and green's my favorite color. since there were a lot of colors, i thought that i would say my favorite. green. yay!

2:08 PM, September 09, 2006

Comments Blogger Tim said...


10:26 PM, September 09, 2006

Comments Blogger Sam Austin said...

weird but cool so far.

4:59 PM, September 12, 2006


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