"The literary equivalent of an acid trip." -jedi_raptor07

Saturday, August 19, 2006

You're Whack

The concept of this post will be an experiment. I will get a dictionary, open to a page, and (other than articles) use only the words defined on the page for one sentence. For the next sentence, I will turn to a different page, and so on. Let the experiment begin!

As I can not locate my dictionary right now, I will do that later. Instead, I will predict the end of the world.

Obviously, the beginning of the end of the world will start with a disagreement. The US will disagree with Australia over the subject of kangaroos. The US will say "Kangaroos naturally evolved in the US!" while Australia says "You idiots! You don't even have a single kangaroo running wild in your parts!" The US, insulted by this, will shoot six nukes at Australia. I will switch tenses now. Suprised at this attack, Australia summons it's armies of dingos, kangaroos, and every other strange animal to thwart the attack. As they succeed, Australia begins to pull out the big weapon - the treaty with Canada. Canada made a treaty with Australia, in secret, that it would attack the US if Australia attacked at the same time. In return, Canada got moose, which originally lived in Australia. As Australia was attacking, it notified Canada to begin the attack. The moose came in swarms, destroying first New York, then making a 160 degree turn to head towards Maine, destroying everything in the path. This was followed by switching the style of writing. On January 2nd, 2008, the moose received orders to switch their direction and head straight to Miami, Florida. They were to destroy all American creations and kill anyone who resisted. They were ordered to take prisoners of those who did not resist. Australia then began to fly its soldiers to California. Suddenly, another change in style writing emerged, finding Australia in league with Lex Luthor! Lex immediatly pulled the trigger to blow off California from the rest of the US! Superman, however, would not stand for this. He quickly undid Lex's evil blow, but the UK had already changed their maps. In an attempt to kill Superman for fixing what Lex had caused for they did not want to change their maps again, green kryptonite was infused in sixteen hydrogen bombs and they were sent straight towards Superman. In his last stand, he sent the bombs in all direction...except one. The explosion killed him and switched the writing style. She walked into my office like she owned the place. I found quickly that she was in an angry mood. Asking her what I could do for her, I glanced at her left hand. No ring, but a tan line where the ring should be. Either recently divorced or she wants to cheat on her husband. As I brought this up, a loud explosion rocked the building, changing the style yet again. That scene took place in China. The explosion was set off by one of the nuclear warheads Superman deflected. Sixteen different countries were all hit by these nuclear weapons. At this point in time, Canada and Australia have succeeded in taking over the US. The sixteen countries all got extremely angry, blaming all countries with nuclear capabilities. Eyes darted across conference rooms, heads rolled, and in the end, it was the first war where no country had allies. Every country was in it for itself. Russia seemed to be winning in the beginning until Iraq popped up and suicide-bombed the place. In a quest for power, Paraguay used its vast influence on nothing in particular to destroy Uruguay, which had always been more popular. Zimbabwe crushed Hong Kong (which had separated from China early on) in a single strike with kiwis, which aren't even grown in Zimbabwe. Chaos ensued, Kazakistan rose and fell like the Roman Empire, and eventually a group of people not in league with any country took a stand. The Resistance, as they called themselves, was quickly crushed when France accidentally attacked them for Kenyan spies. In this total mayhem, another group of resistors took a different route. Calling themselves "Bigger Sister", they quickly dominated the chaotic governments in North and South America. In as little as a year, they had control over all the governments except for Fiji, in the South Pacific Ocean. Noticing that this all seemed bad, they quickly resigned to blow up the world. Tunneling deep into the ground, they placed four thousand nukes spread out evenly across the world, all close to the core. D-Day approached, but Bigger Sister found out about the plans. They sent in a manner of zombified creatures to cause chaos, but to no avail. Fiji saw the approaching planes and hit the button. The world ceased to be, as large chunks of Earth were blasted into space.

How likely is that going to happen? On a scale of one to ten...I'd give it an 11. :-)


Comments Blogger Sam Austin said...


love it.

6:19 PM, August 20, 2006

Comments Anonymous Anonymous said...

Were Moose really from Australia originally???

7:30 PM, August 20, 2006

Comments Blogger Tim said...


9:41 PM, August 20, 2006

Comments Anonymous Anonymous said...

"You're Whack"

10:03 PM, August 20, 2006

Comments Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fitting title

10:03 PM, August 20, 2006

Comments Anonymous Anonymous said...

You forgot all about Antarctica. Secretly, because nobody pays any attention to them anyway, broke off the US and joined in with Uranus. Seeing this was a bad idea because immature jerks would make rude comments, they broke off a second time. They went and joined Plars. This is a combination of Mars and Pluto and Jupiter. Now you are probobly wondering three things. One: Why didn't they call it Plarsupiter? Answer: Clearly, that just sounds stupid. Second: Why is it a combination? Answer: Millions of month-and-a-halfs ago, those three planets had a fude just like this one, but instead of killing the planets they ramed them together forming an oddly pretty, yet deformed planet. This was to settle their differences. There differences were infact, Whose planet is more pretty. Third: Why am i spending the time to read this #^%$. Answer: Well simple, we all have no lives, so we spend our morning drinking tea and eating crab cakes, and spend our afternoons reading comments and blogs. After Antarctica joined Plars, the people of Antarctica (All 7 and a half of them) baked a pie ( a really big one where the crust is baked just right around the edge and the pieces of filling are just the right size) and gave it to the Plarsonians. Sadly, In Plarsonian rituals, a big pie (a really big one where the crust is baked just right around the edge and the pieces of filling are just the right size) is an offering that says bluntly (Kill me you big baboon butt, cheese monkey, too too wearing, know it alls)Which is a horrible insult in there language. So they killed Antarctica and all its people.

The End

(By the way, nice story)

12:27 PM, August 21, 2006

Comments Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forget the part about Antarctica being part of the US. ok yeah

8:25 PM, August 21, 2006

Comments Anonymous Anonymous said...


9:03 PM, August 21, 2006

Comments Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah. very nice.

6:33 AM, August 22, 2006


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