Wake up.
No. I don't want to find out what happened after he punched me.
Yes, you do. It's quite amusing, actually.
Wait, how would you know? You're me!
Oh, good point.
I opened my find I was blindfolded. Dang. I lied to myself, apparenly. This wasn't amusing.
Take off the blindfold.
How can I? Aren't my hands tied...oh, they aren't. Idiot. I took off the blindfold and was greeted by a large creepy face. It was that crazy lunatic that punched me out earlier. I tried to stand and yell, but for some reason by legs were cuffed to the floor and my mouth was gagged.
Strange, isn't it, how he remembers everything except for the hands?
Shut up. I took the gag out of my mouth, which turned out to be a sock. I looked down and found my blindfold was a sock as well. The cuffs that hooked me to the ground were many socks tied together, too. Socks were everywhere, in fact. The walls, floor, and ceiling were covered with socks, the lunatic was dressed in sock-sewn shirts and pants, and he even took the oppurtunity to replace all my clothing with sock-clothing.
He stared straight at me. I stared straight back. "Hungry?" he asked.
He shoved a sock in my mouth. "Chew and swallow. It tastes good. Like sock." He took out of his pockets two sock puppets, one was blue and the other was black. "No, don't eat my brother!" he said in a high pitched falsetto voice. "He's my best friend!" He took the black one and hit the blue one. "Be quiet! Let our guest eat whatever he wants." "But it's my brother!" "So?" The lunatic became very involved in his conversation and completely forgot about me. I managed to slip out of my "sock cuffs" and was free of all sock detainers.
"Yo! Why did you take me here?"
Startled, his composure changed. I figured he switched personalities, but I was not prepared for this one. "I am Sean Delber. I am 25 years old, have a light shade of brown hair, hazel eyes, and I'm about 5 feet 5 inches." I looked at him in amazement - he was describing me! "I just got out of college. I live with my two pets, a fish named Slippy and a mouse named Furball. I temporarily work as an intern for an architct, but I hope to get a job as..." I began tuning him out, phasing out of consciousness, deciphering how he could get that much information on me.
Hey, we don't have a fish or a mouse...and we work as linguists
Oh yeah! I was scared stiff at how he knew my name that I forgot the details that didn't describe my appearance were wrong! I immediatly snapped back into reality, where the lunatic began playing with his sock puppets again. "Hey, why did you take me here?"
He turned around and said very seriously, "You killed my pet ant."
Although the phrase seems so very silly now, the way he said it sent chills down my spine.
He began to get up very slowly. "My pet ant, Sally. You stepped on her." I could tell he was very upset, but he was hiding it. "We were just out for a walk. You walked by and, without even looking down at where you're stepping, stepped on her." His eyes began to tear. "I didn't even get to say goodbye!"
I didn't know what to say. I was being accused of the murder of an ant by a lunatic. I couldn't help think, though, what was with the goldfish?
"I swore that day that I would avenge her death, so here you are." He was now shaking of rage and sadness. I did the only thing I could think at the time. I slapped him.
His posture changed in an instant. "I'll be back!" He punched me again, and I blacked out. When I awoke, I found a table sitting in the room. I was now in a different room. It looked like an interrogation chamber, actually. In the shadows stood someone who I could only presume was the insane man who torments me.
vedy interesting.
3:08 PM, September 22, 2006
cool. still, no titanic quotes... my question is why and how?
i had a pet sunflower once. (i know it's not really a pet but i named it and all and kept it with me) and i was sooo sad when my brother ripped him in half. it was even sadder because he was engaged to my other sunflower pet. she died instantly after she saw her fiance ripped apart!! :-(
4:56 PM, September 22, 2006
Cool story. Why do you black out so easily. And i thought kelly said, and i quote, "I am no longer obsessed with titanic!". That is all.
(disregard spelling)
10:26 AM, September 23, 2006
The psycho guy remInds Me of someone I know... not That I want to MenTIon any naMes... buT he does remInd Me of someone...
11:10 AM, September 23, 2006
hee hee.
andrew is funny.
11:36 AM, September 23, 2006
haha funny andrew.
i honestly tried. but get this. i only watched titanic once this summer. well, i watched part of it on TV but then i had to go to the beach. so 1.5 times. but i'm not. i think. i'm not sure.
Gilmore Girls. 8:00. Channel 13. Season 7 premiere. Be there, or be SQUARE!!! not a rectangle, but a SQUARE!!
1:02 PM, September 23, 2006
4:27 PM, September 23, 2006
i like it
7:51 PM, September 24, 2006
very clever andrew. thiS Partly clever messAge is going to be Renamed as anonymous. The ANswer is hidden.
8:30 PM, September 26, 2006
haha. i like the capitol letter thing.
u gona update soon?
4:23 PM, September 27, 2006
did the socks smell good?
9:44 PM, September 27, 2006
and why does he talk to himself?
9:44 PM, September 27, 2006
3:01 PM, September 28, 2006
Okay it's been a week I think you two should UPDATE THE BLOG!!!
3:13 PM, September 29, 2006
ok, from what i heard, one of you was supposed to update. i'm getting tired of reading "Socks" in the beginning and being like, they didn't update....again.
please update!!
9:57 AM, October 02, 2006
Blame Maeve. :-)
11:28 AM, October 02, 2006
2:49 PM, October 02, 2006
I'm with anonymous.
6:17 PM, October 02, 2006
I vote that we burn the witch!
7:53 PM, October 02, 2006