Ode to Midterms
In response to nerdjedi's single popped dimension...I popped TWO! Behold, the twice-popped-dimension Escher Cube! Read below for my Ode to Midterms.

Chem, Euro, Spanish, Lit,
Add in some math a bit,
Study, study, study fit
it into the schedule.
Quantum theory confuses me,
Not so much molarity,
Add some sig figs to be
as annoying as possible.
Greece and Rome to Louis Fourteen,
Feudal lords and vassals unseen,
Ninja turtles artists mean
study the renaissance, too.
El chubasco va a venir,
La piramide va a subir,
Y yo va a exigir
a estudiar el programa.
Hawthorne's A is a symbol,
Abigail tries to lead a crucible,
The Transcendalists nimble
essays are totally from the 60's.
Algebra is a pain,
Graphing another plane,
Find the speed of the train
with matrix equations.
Chem, Euro, Spanish, Lit,
Add in some math a bit,
As much studying that can fit
still leads you to hell.